Even if you are ready to spend happily ever after with your spouse, it might be time to start thinking about making a prenuptial agreement. While you may not want to think about the possibility of your marriage ending, a pre-marital agreement can protect your rights to your individual assets and reduce potential conflict if your marriage does end in divorce. You and your spouse can also make an agreement after you wed, in which case it would be a post-marital agreement. Laura B Inns of LBI Law LLC is an experienced divorce and family law attorney who specializes in helping clients in Cook County, IL and the surrounding areas with such arrangements.
There are many reasons you are your spouse should consider drafting a prenuptial agreement before you get married. Not only can such an agreement protect your assets if the marriage ends in divorce, but it can also shield you from being liable for your spouse’s debts. Consulting with a lawyer is a critical step in this process to ensure your agreement is fair and complies with local regulations. LBI Law LLC offers assistance with the following matters when it comes to pre-marital and post-marital agreements:
If your marriage has ended in divorce, you may still need legal services even after the final agreement. In cases where one spouse has failed to pay child support or alimony, or where there is high conflict parenting, Laura B Inns of LBI Law LLC can help. It is important to realize that parts of your agreement can be modified even after the divorce is finalized, especially if one spouse violates the terms of the arrangement. For more information, please call 312-834-4815 or complete our form for a complimentary consultation.
Phone : (312) 834-4815
Email : info@lbi-law.com
Office Address : 5911 W Higgins Ave 1st floor
Chicago, il 60630
Phone : (312) 834-4815
Email : info@lbi-law.com
Office Address : 5911 W Higgins Ave 1st floor
Chicago, il 60630